Replacement parts: new or recycled?
Under the provisions of the standard auto insurance policy, recycled parts are used to repair damage. If recycled parts are not available, your vehicle could be repaired using new parts. You may have to pay the difference between the price of recycled parts and price of the new parts.
New parts
There are two categories of new parts:
- OEM parts
(made by the automobile manufacturer) - Similar new parts
(new parts not made by the manufacturer)
For your vehicle to be repaired with new OEM parts, you must have purchased:
- "Replacement cost" endorsement Q.E.F. No. 43 – Change to indemnity – Option 43A – Partial loss – new parts. Note that this endorsement may be added to your standard insurance policy (Q.P.F. No. 1).
- Replacement insurance (Q.P.F. No 5). In this case, compensation is paid out under two auto insurance policies:
- Under the standard insurance policy (Q.P.F. No.1), repairs to your vehicle using recycled parts will be reimbursed.
- Replacement insurance (Q.P.F. No. 5) – purchased from the same or another insurer – will cover the price difference between recycled parts and OEM parts.
To compare these two options, visit Infoinsurance website.

Replacing the windshield
This is always replaced with a new part (OEM or similar new part). Watch our video on that subject.

You can do business with a body shop of your choice. Just make sure it’s competent and that the work is done in accordance with the specifications agreed upon with your insurer.

If you prefer, your insurer can also refer you to a body shop where you can have your vehicle repaired.
Any deductible must be paid to the body shop.