GAA assists in reviewing and drafting the Quebec automobile insurance policies and their endorsements. However, the Autorité des marchés financiers (AMF) is ultimately responsible for approving the policies and endorsements.
Automobile Insurance Forms
- Québec automobile insurance forms and their endorsements (link to AMF's website)
Tools - Quebec Automobile Insurance forms.
- Familiarization Guide [PDF]
Correspondence Tables
- Q.P.F. No. 1 – 2010-2014 [PDF]
- Q.P.F. No. 1 – 2014-2010 [PDF]
- Q.P.F. No. 4 – 2010-2018 [PDF]
- Q.P.F. No. 4 – 2018-2010 [PDF]
- Q.P.F. No. 5 – 2012-2014 [PDF]
- Q.P.F. No. 5 – 2014-2012 [PDF]
To better understand the changes