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Direct Compensation Agreement

At a glance

How does your insurer establish your liability when you’ve been involved in an accident? He does it using the Direct Compensation Agreement (DCA).

The DCA is binding on all auto insurers which use it and respect its principles. Under the Agreement, each driver is compensated directly by his own insurer, while the liability of each party involved in a collision is established using the Driver’s Fault Chart in the Agreement.

It’s your insurer that establishes your liability in an accident using the DCA.

Drawn up and updated by GAA, the DCA helps to simplify the claims settlement process for policyholders whose vehicles have been damaged in a collision. In fact, thanks to the DCA, the insurer can quickly establish the liability of each driver involved in the accident.

Consult the DCA electronic version

Consult the complete DCA document [PDF]

Accidents where the DCA applies +

Establishing fault+



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