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Case 9 - Failure to obey signs or signals
Portion of liability :
'Y' neglects or leaves:
a police officer's signal
0 % 100 %
a stop sign, a yield sign, a flashing red light or other similar sign, particularly flares and other signals on the ground
0 % 100 %
a traffic light (where there is lack of proof, liability is equally divided)
0 % 100 %
a do not enter sign (one way)
0 % 100 %
a no passing sign
0 % 100 %
a no turn sign, either left or right
0 % 100 %
a turn-signal light of a bus in accordance with section 407 of the Highway Safety Code (R.S.Q., chapter C-24.2)
0 % 100 %
a reserved lane sign indicating that the lane is reserved for use by specific classes of vehicles and prohibiting other vehicles from using it, where applicable, in accordance with sections 17 and 36 of the Regulation respecting road signs
0 % 100 %
a sign or control signals displaying a downward green arrow to indicate lanes open to traffic and an X to indicate lanes where traffic is prohibited, in accordance with section 365 of the Highway Safety Code (R.S.Q., chapter C-24.2)
0 % 100 %
Applying the Direct Compensation Agreement:
- Vehicle Y is responsible: the insured will be indemnified if the collision is covered under his insurance policy (section B of the Contract). The insured will then have to pay a deductible.
- Vehicle X is not responsible: the insured will be indemnified even if the collision is not covered under his insurance policy. The insured will not have to pay a deductible.
The insurer must obtain the version of the accident from the persons involved. As a general rule, if the versions differ and there is no independent witness to corroborate one or other of the versions, responsibility for the accident is shared 50% - 50%.
For more information, contact your insurer.
You can also contact the Insurance Information Centre.

The content of these web pages is provided for information only and to make it easier to understand the DCA. It is not legally binding. The official version of the DCA takes precedence. Your insurer will establish the portion of your liability in the accident.
Download the official version of the Direct Compensation Agreement.