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The Insurance Information Centre’s missions

March 11, 2020

The Insurance Information Centre (IIC) was established in 1971, at a time when GAA did not yet exist. In 1978, under the Automobile Insurance Act (AIA), the IIC’s responsibilities were extended to include GAA’s obligations. The IIC’s mission is to provide consumers and insurers with accurate and impartial information. Its activities fall under four categories.


Most requests for information come from consumers and are usually made by phone. However, the Centre also receives emails and calls from insurers.

In 2019, there were 16,727 calls related to automobile insurance (+19.5% compared to 2018).


The IIC takes action when the insurer and the insured party have not reached agreement and the IIC agent has reason to believe that clarification is required. At that point, there is a need to validate the insurer’s version and identify the next step: the insurer will either explain the situation or review his initial decision. Fewer than 1.5% of calls lead to this type of intervention on the part of the IIC.

In 2019, 190 interventions were carried out, leading to changed practices in 76 cases.

Ensure access

When a consumer is not able to get automobile insurance, an IIC agent may intervene to force an insurer to provide it. This mechanism ensuring access to insurance is set out in the AIA.

In 2019, the IIC handled 554 cases of access to automobile insurance (+76.4% compared to 2018).


IIC agents also explain how insurance works at educational events, conferences, and meetings with community organizations.

IIC agents are well qualified to carry out the organization’s mission. Ongoing training helps them stay abreast of insurance practices and understand how to respond to the issues that consumers are worried about. IIC work with individual consumers helps preserve the industry’s image.


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