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Here are some explanations to help you better understand the information presented in your claims history statement. Only you and an insurer may access your statement in the Fichier central des sinistres automobiles (FCSA).
NextName and address:
Your contact information.
The claims history statement lists the accidents involving you in the six years prior to the consultation date.
Driver’s licence of the licence holder:
Your driver’s license number.
Number identifying each claim shown in the file.
Accident date.
Vehicle identification:
Make and model of the vehicle involved in the accident.
Indicates whether the accident was reported by your insurer or by that of the other party involved.
Custodian (driver) of vehicle at time of accident:
When an accident occurs without a driver (e.g., parked car), the accident is added to the file of the person who had custody of the vehicle at the time.
Driver at the time of accident:
The driver’s license number of the person driving the vehicle at the time of the accident.
Vehicle identification:
Make and model of the vehicle involved in the accident.
Vehicle type — version of:
Data used by insurers to determine contracts.
Liability %:
Your liability in the event of an accident, as assigned by your insurer.
Here is how liability is determined
Do you disagree with the liability percentage you have been assigned?
Only your insurer can change this information. Discuss it with them.
Total claim payment:
This is the total amount paid by your insurer for this claim.
Driver at the time of accident:
First five characters of the driver’s licence number of the driver of the other vehicle involved in the accident. Only this information is shown for security reasons.
Vehicle identification:
Make, model and year of the other party’s vehicle, and code assigned to the vehicle.
Vehicle type — version of:
Data used by the insurer to determine its contracts.
This section shows the insurance policy coverage under which the claim was paid. Different types of coverage can apply.
Kind of loss:
These codes are used by the insurer to identify under which coverage the claim was paid.
The details of the payments made for each type of coverage.
If you have any questions about your claims history statement, make sure you have a copy so that our agents can help you.
Need your claims history statement?
Request it online for free514 288-4321 (Montréal)
1 877 288-4321 (other Quebec regions)
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