The Fichier central des sinistres automobiles (FCSA) is a database that centralizes information collected from insurers regarding claims in which every policyholder has been involved over the past six years.
The FCSA is owned by the Autorité des marchés financiers and managed by Groupement des assureurs automobiles (GAA).
Obtain a copy of your file
There are four (4) ways to obtain a copy of your Claims History Statement:
+ Online request with your Government Authentication Service account +
You will instantaneously have access to an online-copy of your Claims History Statement.
+ Online request with our web form +
Your request will be processed by one of our agent between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. You will then received a link by email to access your Claims History Statement.
+ Request by mail +
You will have to send us by mail the completed form along with a copy of your Quebec's driver license.
+ Appointment for a request in person +
Please make an appointment before your visit. An agent will contact you by phone to give you an appointment. You must come to our office on the agreed date and time to identify yourself so you can get a copy of the Claims History Statement.
Did you notice an error in your Claims History Statement?
Once you have obtained a copy of your Claims History Statement, if you wish to know the circumstances of a claim recorded in your file or if you notice an error, you can ask GAA to verify the information with the insurer.
Note that GAA is not authorized to correct the information contained in your file without the agreement of the insurer. Your insurance company must confirm that the information contained in your Claims History Statement matches that in its records. The insurer is the only one who can modify the information recorded in the FCSA.
To request a verification of the information in your Claims History Statement, you have several options: