• Modification to Q.E.F. 43E and Total Losses: New Calculation for Cash Indemnity
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Modification to Q.E.F. 43E and Total Losses: New Calculation for Cash Indemnity

If a vehicle is declared a total loss, a new calculation will apply to policyholders who subscribed Endorsement 43E and who wish to avail themselves of the cash indemnity option. 

 In the event of a total loss, there are several options available to policyholders who subscribed the endorsement 43E. Since the automobile market is constantly evolving, vehicle models and their specifications, equipment and accessories are constantly changing. As a result, it may be more difficult to find the same vehicle at replacement cost.  

To facilitate claim settlements, the Autorité des marchés financiers has come up with new solutions in collaboration with the Groupement des assureurs automobiles. Published in December 2024, and effective on January 15, 2025, a new calculation was established for the third indemnity option in cash under Q.E.F. 43E in the event of a total loss. 

Q.E.F. 43E – New calculation for Option 3 

The new calculation* for the third option of the Q.E.F. 43E of the indemnity in cash reflect the marked-up price paid as follows: 

The price paid increased by an annually compounded percentage, according to the Consumer Price Index (CPI) for the purchase or lease of motor vehicles calculated in proportion to the number of days elapsed between the date of the vehicle purchase contract and the date of the total loss or total constructive loss. 

Price paid: The price charged for the specified vehicle as indicated in the purchase contract, long-term lease or contract of leasing, including its equipment and accessories only. 

CPI: Consumer Price Index for Transportation / according to the Consumer Price Index (CPI) for the purchase or lease of motor vehicles – Institut de la statistique du Québec. If the CPI for the year of the loss is unknown, the CPI from the previous year must be used. 


Vehicule purchased on July 1st 2021

Total loss vehicule on September 1 2023

Price paid at purchase

The price paid for the vehicle at the time of purchase was $30,000. 

  • Purchase agreement date: July 1, 2021 
  • Date of total loss: September 1, 2023 

Year / Number of Days

CPI Rate*


Marked-up price paid

2021 (184 days)



30 695,67$

2022 (365 days)


2 087,31$

32 782,99$

2023 (244 days)



33 440,43$



The marked-up price paid is $33,440.43

Consumer Price Index (CPI) for the purchase or lease of motor vehicles.

Indemnity and marked-up price paid 

However, it is important to remember that the calculation of the marked-up price paid, as specified above, does not correspond to the amount of the final indemnity. The final indemnity may include other contract terms, including the deductible. 

 *Option in effect January 15, 2025, Autorité des marchés financiers. 


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