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Understanding the FCSA Process

When underwriting or renewing a policy, a policyholder asks you questions about their claims history statement in the Fichier central des sinistres automobiles (FCSA). If you feel that certain information needs to be verified, you can refer them to the GAA. Here is how their request will be processed.

File consultation: a mandatory step

As soon as the policyholder wants to have information in their Claims History Statement verified, GAA will ask them to view their statement through GAA website. Even if the policyholder has obtained the information from their insurer, they need to view it on our website—it’s the only way GAA can open a verification file. This process confirms the policyholder’s identity while protecting their personal information. That is why no consultations can be made by telephone and GAA officers do not have direct access to a policyholder’s Claims History Statement.

Note that the consultation is free. All claims statement requests made through clicSéqur are processed instantly as the site verifies the person’s identity.

>Learn about FCSA consultations

Information verification

GAA verifies the information that the insurer sent to the FCSA. The FCSA mirrors the insurer’s file. GAA will under no circumstances be able to change the information in the file at the policyholder’s request.

If the information in the insurer’s file does not match FCSA’s (e.g., data entry error), the insurer will give GAA permission to correct the file.

GAA has up to 30 days to respond to a policyholder’s verification request.

GAA: Information custodian with a limited role

It is essential to remember that GAA’s scope is very limited. As information custodian for the Autorité des marchés financiers, GAA does not interfere with the transmitted data. For example, policyholders who want to change their liability percentage must discuss it with their insurer. GAA cannot change information upon their request alone.

Understanding this process and GAA’s role will help provide better guidance to policyholders who may have questions about their claims history statement.

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