Un simple accrochage? Il n’est pas nécessaire d’appeler la police.

A simple fender bender? No need to call the police.

Just fill out a Joint Report :

  • Use this document to report the accident to your insurer.
  • If you don’t have access to the online Joint Report or to the paper format, exchange the following information with the other driver: name, address, telephone number, driver’s licence and registration certificate numbers, and insurer contact information.
S’il y a des blessés, appelez immédiatement les ambulanciers et les policiers.

If there are injuries, call for an ambulance and the police right away.

Was your vehicle stolen, or was it a hit and run? Call the police right away.

You will need the police report number to file your claim.

In a hit and run, an individual involved in a collision leaves the scene of the accident before identifying himself or herself.

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