
Cost of auto insurance

Cost for passenger vehicles

The average premium was $897 in 2023.

In 2023, the average premium by coverage type was as follows:

  • Civil liability: $407
  • Collision: $368
  • Comprehensive (accident without collision or upset): $209

Civil liability coverage posted the largest increase.

Please note that this premiums indicated in this page pertain to insurance for property damage only.

Source: GROUPEMENT DES ASSUREURS AUTOMOBILES, Automobile Statistical Plan, General results, Passenger vehicles, 2023

Average premium in Canada

In 2023, the average auto insurance premium in Quebec was the lowest in Canada.

Combining the cost of private insurance for property damage ($897) and the cost of public insurance for personal injury (SAAQ) ($63), the average premium in Quebec was the lowest in the country again this year.

Source: GROUPEMENT DES ASSUREURS AUTOMOBILES, Automobile Statistical Plan, General results, Passenger vehicles, 2023; General Insurance Statistical Agency, Actual loss ratio exhibit, Private passenger automobiles excluding farmers, 2023.

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