Direct Compensation Agreement

Identifying your loss

  • Stage
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4

Vehicles travelling in the same direction on the same roadway


Your answers at Stage 1 and 2:
- There was a collision involving two or more vehicles.
- The accident occurred in the province of Quebec.
- The owners of the vehicles involved were identified.
- The vehicles belong to different owners.
- The owner did not hit his own vehicle.

Case 1 - Collision between vehicles in the same lane of traffic


Case 2 - Vehicle turning into a side roadway or driveway


Parking situations

Case 3a - Vehicle moving to park


Case 3b - Vehicle leaving a parking space


Case 3c - Vehicle X parked (except as provided under Case 3d)

Case 3d - Vehicle illegally parked at night and without lights outside cities, towns or villages

Veuillez cochez les champs nécessaire avant de poursuivre à la prochaine étape.


The content of these web pages is provided for information only and to make it easier to understand the DCA. It is not legally binding. The official version of the DCA takes precedence. Your insurer will establish the portion of your liability in the accident.

Download the official version of the Direct Compensation Agreement.

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